Reusable ACCUFRAM® for PCB SMT Stencils

The concept behind ACCUFRAME® is that it is Re-Usable and the foil tension can be adjusted. The ACCUFRAME ® is designed to quickly load and unload your stencil foil off line in a very short time frame. PNC carries ACCUFRAME® for all popular Screen Printers. If we don't have the frame you need we will custom build it to your requirements.

Advantages of ACCUFRAME®

  • Storage space (no wasted floor space like mounted frame)time
  • Shipping costs (we ship only the foil, no added weight from the frame)
  • Eliminates debonding (no mesh)
  • No Cost to our Customers. It's 100% free
  • Adjustable foil tension

PNC loans these frames to every one of our customers. We loan as many "ACCUFRAME®" as required for your production. We also assume full responsibility to service them at no cost to you. In case, any of the "ACCUFRAME®" becomes unusable, a replacement is sent to you immediately.

Foil Thicknesses

Solder paste stencils are offered in the following thickness: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 2


PNC Online
Phone: (973) 284-1600
Email: sales[at]pnconline[dot]com