PNC Inc. Purchases GA 75 VSD FF from Atlas Copco

PNC Inc. recently made yet another investment in its pursuit to be as energy efficient as possible: the GA 75 VSD FF, 100 HP compressor. The efficiency of this machine is remarkable, not only because it can manage its own workflow, but because it will pay for itself in about three years through savings in electricity ($25,000 per year)—savings that will be passed on to PNC’s customers. This purchase stands as yet another testament to PNC’s commitment to the make-in-USA philosophy to bolster quality while still doing their best to keep costs and incentivize customers to buy products made here and not overseas.

The Variable Speed Drive (VSD) system this particular compressor utilizes achieves better energy-efficiency by controlling the voltage and current to alter the speed and torque of the DC motor. In the event that the facility requires more flow, it will be automatically assisted by two 30 HP compressors. As a result, a VSD can give the same power output previously generated while reducing power usage. This differs from a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) in a few subtle, but important ways. The most important of these is that VFD can only be used on AC motors, making it less versatile than a VSD system.

Another efficiency-related aspect of this compressor is that it essentially replaces five machines and consolidates all of their tasks into one unit, thereby saving space, maintenance time, and cost. Said PNC Inc. President Sam Sangani, “We’re very proud to be on the cutting edge of our industry, not only with the products we manufacture but also with the technology we employ in the process.”


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